How can I track engagement on the platform?

See how you can track learner engagement on the platform

When your learners complete activities on the platform, you can check the progress within the activity or by selecting the learner and checking which activities they've completed.

Tracking engagment within the activity

To check the progress of activities within a card, enter the edit mode by selecting 'Edit playlist' or 'Edit card' then select 'Members' in the sidebar. Here you can see the learners who have completed activities in the card. You can filter by status by selecting the 'Status' dropdown and filtering by:

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not started

You also see the indicator status for each learner in the list and which activity they've completed. Green is completed, grey is In progress and a dash in not started. You can also see when the learner join the activity, when they started and completed.

Exporting engagement

To export the data, selecting the 'Export .csv' in the top right of the member panel to export the full list of data. The exported data is automatically generated and richly populated.

Tip: You now know how to see which learners are engaging with the platform and how to export the data to be accessed locally.

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